Alumni Communications

We value communicating with our alumni to share the latest news from SJND as well as happenings in the lives and careers of fellow alumni. New jobs, life events, and more help to foster deeper ties and connect us as Pilots. Through our magazine, published twice a year, and our E-Connect newsletter, published four times a year, we seek to provide informative and useful information to help us all stay connected in a meaningful way.

Connect Newsletter

Want to learn what's up with your fellow alumni?

We send our Connect Newsletter quarterly to alumni via email. The newsletter includes class notes, alumni updates, reunion information, and upcoming alumni events. Subscribe today below.

Connect Newsletter Archive

Click the buttons below to read our recent alumni newsletters.

Update Magazine 

Twice a year we publish Update Magazine, sharing stories about current students, faculty/staff, and alumni. Click the editions below to read our magazine.

Check Us Out on Social Media

You'll be amazed at the great things our students and school are doing. The best way to stay up to date is through our social media channels. We post frequently about the life of the school, the accomplishments of our students, and the unique programming we offer our students. Follow us today to keep up on all of the great things happening at SJND.

Look at Our Instagram Feed

Click on any of the images below to read the full captions.